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GMS Training (First Aid Training)



The personal data notice is to provide you with how your data is collected and processed by GMS Training for use in the process of gaining your Certificates.

Your personal information is only used in accordance with the current date protection law in the UK.

GMS Training (First Aid Training) is the data controller and as such are responsible for your personal data and in this document will be referred to as GMS Training, & we or us.

Contact Details

Company Name:                  GMS Training (First Aid Training)

Data Controller:                    Mr G M Seabrook 

E Mail address:           

Telephone:                            07813680043

It is important that all information we hold about you is current and in date, ensure you forward to us any changes.

Personal Data the we collect about you

a.    Your Name.

b.    Your address.

c.    Your email address.

d.    Your date of birth (required for Regulated Certificates).


Your personal data will be collected, by us when you make initial contact via email, completing the enquiry email on our web site or on completion of your registration form at start of the training; the date may be provided by yourself, your employer (company who organised the training) or a training provider (used by your company).


How do GMS Training use your Data?

Your date is used to complete the requirements for training records as evidence-based conformation you have completed the training to the required standard, as laid down by the required authority: this will be an Accredited Organisation (AO).

There is a legal obligation for this information to be stored and held:

a.    To confirm, training meets the required standard.

b.    To confirm the student is qualified and meets the required standard

c.    So that we meet the qualification standard that is laid down by Health & Safety Executive.

d.    The law requires data retention for tax purposes (this would be basic information)

1.    Contact details (Identity).

2.     Financial Transitions.

We share personal date:

As stated above your personal data is used to compete the requirements for training records, (These are the only parties that your data is passed on too, and each one has their own privacy policy:) and this will be shared with the following:

Your data is only passed on to the approved Accredited Organisation (AO) these will be:

Pro Training (TQUK (Regulated Certificates))

NUCO Training (First Aid Awards Ltd)

Your data is also used to complete Invoices for payment for good & services, this information is stored on a hard copy in a secure cabinet, it may also be necessary for HMRC for my accounts.


How long will Data be kept for?

Data will be held by GMS Training secure for a period of 5 years, this will be in a hard copy format, in a secure cabinet. (training carried out through this company).

I am required to hold the data for 5 years (3 years of the certificate and 2 years for legal requirement)

Training for a third party (Pro Training, NUCO Training, & Green Cross Training) the necessary data will be held by the third party in accordance with their GDPR policy.

Your Rights.

Under the current GDPR rules you have the right to:

a.    The right to request what data is held.

b.    To confirm the data is correct, and the right to request access

c.    The right to have data erased or corrected, if details are incorrect

d.    The right to withdraw permission of data held.

You have the right to exercise the above right by contacting GMS Training in writing

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